Wanneer: Altijd
Erik-Jan Gelink volgt Terry Aurik op als CEO van Enreach
People, Unified Communications, As a Service,
WESTPOLE lanceert Observability-as-a-Service-aanbod
observability, As a Service,
WSO2 introduceert AI-gedreven automatisering voor identiteits- en toegangsbeheer
identity, Security, As a Service,
Broadcom: ruim 60 procent van VMware gebruikers zijn over op abonnementen
Virtualisatie, Cloud, Software, As a Service,
Atos biedt Cloud Back-up for AWS aangedreven door Dell Technologies
Cloud, back-up, As a Service, Storage,
Pure Storage boekt sterke financiƫle resultaten in vierde kwartaal en fiscaal jaar 2025
Storage, data, As a Service, Financieel,
CM.com neemt GUTS Tickets over
As a Service, Blockchain, Service,
Succesvolle derde bijeenkomst Leiden AI Community
ai, Artificial intelligence, DevOps, automotive, Automation
SoftwareOne rapporteert resultaten 2024 conform verwachting
Financieel, Software, applicatie, As a Service,
Axians viert in Escape Amsterdam vernieuwde Network as a Service
Netwerken, Networking, As a Service,
Dutch IT Channel Awards: Marga Reuver legt uit waarom EGP CSP of the Year 2024 moet worden
Cloud, As a Service, Infrastructuur,
Axians Nederland onthult vernieuwde Network as a Service op Cisco Live
Netwerken, Networking, Infrastructuur, As a Service,
Dutch IT Channel Award As a Service Innovator of the Year 2024: wie wint?
Dutch IT Channel Awards, As a Service, Service,
SLTN wint aanbesteding ROAD2023 voor netwerkvoorzieningen
Aanbestedingen, Infrastructuur, Netwerken, Services, Hardware
Alkum Solutions en Excepta werken samen
back-up, As a Service, cybersecurity, Security, resilience
Wie wordt As a Service Innovator of the Year 2024?
Dutch IT Channel Awards, As a Service, Services,
SoftwareOne neemt Crayon definitief over
ICT-branche, Software, As a Service, Financieel,
Wie wordt na PQR en Pure Storage de derde As-a-Service Innovator of the Year?
Royal Ahrend kiest IFS om wereldwijde groei en duurzaamheid te stimuleren
applicaties, duurzaamheid, Cloud, Customer Experience, As a Service